
Silver Cannon
Nevada Accountability publishes The Silver Cannon newsletter FREE, just sign up here. The 2025 Nevada Legislature will be action packed, and every aspect of our state will be a part of the discussion. With the lack of a "super majority", the governor and legislators will need to work together to achieve the goals set by Nevada voters in the election of 2024. Your best way to stay informed is subscribing to The Silver Cannon.

You can also help by following Nevada Accountability on X.

Nevada Accountability was formed in 2012 to provide a consistent mechanism of research and publication of government data and policy. Our currently membership drive is for the 2025 legislative session and the development of Reset Nevada. Nevada Accountability is funded through private memberships and specific projects. You can become a member for as little as $25 or a top level corporate sponsorship, as every business and every citizen has an interest in accountability across the State of Nevada.

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Nevada Accountability publishes a newsletter, you can sign-up for FREE here! It is the best way to stay informed on all of our efforts to achieve transparency and accountability statewide. We also publish official letters to dicision makers who rely on information from a variety of sources, on the important issues Nevada Accountability is often one of the strongest voices. We also do media interviews and press releases to enhance media outreach. It's great to be effective and even better when people know about it.

Nevada Accountability has a proven system of requesting public information from government entities, and was instrumental in the development of Nevada law to require more transparency at every level of government in the State of Nevada. This activity will increase in the 2025 legislative session as there will be a push to limit what citizens are allowed to request. Nevada Accountability can stop this and expand access with your help.

Nevada Accountability conducts specific research projects to discover facts in current policies and proposed policies, so the best decisions can be made with transparency. This is often a long and expensive process, which is why your support of Nevada Accountability is so important.

Nevada Accountability collects raw data from a variety of government agencies as a part of advocacy and accountability. This regular duty is essential to the development of public policies and the budgets to pay for them. Nevada Accountability measures how effective those budgets are compared to the outcomes they generate.